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The Importance Of Farming Sustainably & Ethically

Jemi Fischbach

As the world becomes increasingly aware of climate change’s adverse effects, alternatives to many environmentally destructive industries are becoming more attractive. Industrial farming has wreaked havoc on the landscapes worldwide, but sustainable agriculture can help combat these effects and potentially replenish land that has been entirely stripped of its nutrients.

The Kratom industry is one that is setting an example in sustainable farming. Many sectors will soon be modeling their farming techniques after those used for Kratom crops.

Understanding Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming is a practice of planting crops that ensure the land’s longevity and prosperity for future generations. The procedure involves harvesting crops at specific intervals while ensuring that not all the land is harvested at once. By waiting, the ground has time to replenish itself.

In some cases, animal grazing is encouraged for year-long periods before the land is used for farming again. Letting the land breathe in between harvests can replenish itself and produce greater yields than before.

Ethical vs. Sustainable Farming

While most sustainable farms are ethical, the principles are different. A sustainable farm’s primary goal is to ensure that the land can continue to produce bountiful crops now and for future generations. In contrast, for ethical farms, the goal is to accommodate the health of the animal, plant, and communities where the crops are grown.

As these goals often go hand in hand, a majority of sustainable farms are also ethical. As the animals and communities play a critical role in ensuring the land remains healthy yearly, ethical practices are sometimes on par or considered more valuable.

The Role Of Kratom

The mitragyna speciosa tree from which Kratom is derived is a plant that grows wildly through Southeast Asia’s moist and hot jungles. For centuries, the local communities in these areas have sought out these trees for their leaves’ medicinal properties. The soil in these areas is acidic due to the high volcanic rock concentration, which is responsible for infusing the plant with various active compounds.

These compounds are responsible for giving Kratom its therapeutic effects. With over 40 alkaloids, the plant has struck interest from researchers worldwide, especially in Western countries, where its legality is still in flux.

In the areas where Kratom is grown, the communities utilize unique, sustainable farming methods, keeping the land healthy and bountiful for future generations. The leaves from the tropical evergreen are hand plucked when they reach their ideal maturation level. As the leaves mature at different rates, only some are picked while the others are left on the tree.

Unlike other crops, where the entire plant is ripped from the ground, most of the tree’s structure is left standing, which bolsters its growth, ensuring future harvests’ success.

As Kratom trees grow in some of the most biodiverse places on the planet, rainforests, the wildlife habitats surrounding them are the key to long term prosperity. As the farming methods are non-invasive, these habitats can flourish and grow for many years.

While most Kratom trees grow wildly in the jungle, some farmers are now planting “backyard” crops that prove to be just as sustainable. These crops take up small land sectors, are family-run, and prevent harvesters from trekking through the jungle and potentially ruining wildlife habitats.

Throughout the perfection of these methods, mentors and expert growers work with the locals to help them make the most of these “backyard” operations.

Stopping Deforestation

Deforestation is a result of large industrial plantations like oil palm fields. Other industries, including timber, are often the culprit when it comes to mass deforestation, and as their operations continue, they become more destructive.

A decentralized model, like that used for Kratom, retains all-natural ecosystems. The crops are planted among other wildlife species, which guarantees communities and habitats can remain in place.

Eco-Friendly Processing

In addition to the growing process being more eco-friendly, the Kratom leaves’ processing ensures the land is not contaminated, keeping the groundwater supply healthy. Industrial farming will often include processing factories that irresponsibly discard waste directly onto the land neighboring their crops. This dumping renders the terrain, which is undoubtedly home to wildlife and indigenous populations, useless.

Responsible Partnerships

Kratom suppliers that partner with local farmers in Southeast Asia to help them preserve their community and the natural ecosystems of the land are critical to future harvests’ long-term success. As cultivating the plants is a tradition that is passed on to younger generations, the crops must remain healthy so that some semblance of livelihood is possible in the future. If profiteering companies continue to operate in these areas, taking advantage of the communities, their traditions could die out, and the people along with them.

When you purchase Kratom, you can help support sustainable farming by ensuring the supplier fosters a healthy relationship with their farmers in Southeast Asia. The more researchers and educators that support reputable Kratom businesses, the more likely these communities will strengthen year after year.

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