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Yellow Kratom

As you start exploring Kratom and the various products available, you will encounter some that you don’t fully understand. Communities worldwide have long used Kratom, but only in the past decade has it become more widely available. Many suppliers now sell tons of different Kratom products as well as different strains of the plant. These products and strains can often be confusing to navigate, especially if you are new to the Kratom sphere. As there are so many vendors now interested in selling Kratom products and meeting the demand of researchers and consumers, there is heightened competition. Many Kratom vendors are continually trying to sell new products, but not all are as great as they claim to be. 

One Kratom product that has been seeing more attention in recent years is Yellow Kratom. If you have never heard of Yellow Kratom, it is not the easiest to understand. Many enthusiasts are troubled by this rare strain as it is not widely available, and there is very little evidence supporting the minimal claims that have been made about it. When looking to understand Yellow Kratom, it helps to know more about the other strains, such as Red Kratom, White Kratom, and Green Kratom. Once you know a bit about these, you will have a clearer picture of Yellow Kratom and why it is not as widely available as some other strains. 

Where Does Yellow Kratom Come From?

Among Kratom advocates and enthusiasts, Yellow Kratom remains somewhat of a mystery. However, one thing is sure; it comes from the same plant as all the other Kratom strains. The plant in question is the mitragyna speciosa tropical evergreen tree, which thrives in Southeast Asia’s hot and humid jungles. These jungles are host to acidic soil that is packed with powerful nutrients. These nutrients infuse the mitragyna speciosa tree with the active compounds that make Kratom so desirable. For centuries, small communities have looked to the mitragyna speciosa for various physical cures. Their anecdotal evidence claims that the plant can reduce anxiety, lift spirits, and potentially ward off chronic pain. As these claims have been made time and time again, more researchers have become interested in finding out if they are accurate and, if so, what is responsible for these therapeutic effects? 

Through research efforts, it has been discovered that the mitragyna speciosa tree, the plant responsible for Yellow Kratom, contains two potent alkaloids, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine. While there are some 40 other compounds, these two are the subject of most research studies. When the different strains are made, these alkaloids are harnessed, and through specific processing techniques, the concentrations of each can be manipulated. For example, a Red Vein strain will have different concentrations of these alkaloids than a white vein strain. Similarly, if the strain is grown in Indonesia, it will have different concentrations than a plant grown in Thailand. For this reason, Kratom suppliers sell products with a naming convention that sheds light on the strain color and the growing region, like Red Bali Kratom. If you work with a reputable supplier, they can speak with you about the concentrations of alkaloids in the various products they have for sale. 

Identifying Kratom Colors

Contrary to what many believe, the color in a Kratom strain name does not refer to the powder’s actual color for sale. Almost always, the powder is going to be green in color. In some cases, for more potent products such as extracts, they will be darker. So when you are purchasing Red Kratom, it will most likely be green. Depending on the supplier, they may have a unique system where some of their products are red, but it is not that common. Similarly, the leaves on the tree are also always green except for the veins. The veins are where the colors come into play.

When a mitragyna speciosa tree grows, it produces large leaves. These leaves have veins, and as the leaves mature, they will change color. The first color that the veins on the leaves turn is white. The white vein strains you will see available are made from these leaves, which are harvested before any others. As farmers use staggering harvesting techniques, leaving most of the plant to continue growing, only some of the leaves are picked at one time. If a farmer hopes to achieve a green strain, they will wait for some white veins to turn green. Continuing with the pattern, when a farmer wants a red strain, they will wait until the leaves have reached their maximum maturity where the veins are a dark red. These red strains tend to be favorited among many enthusiasts. However, each strain has benefits; it all depends on the person. 

As you can see from the above, yellow is not one of the colors that the veins turn throughout maturation, which is why Yellow Kratom tends to be very rare. It is rumored that the Yellow strains are made from red-veined leaves, which undergo a unique drying and processing method. This method results in what is called Yellow Kratom. There are other claims that the Yellow strains are more simply a blend of green and white strains. As there is very little evidence to support either of these claims, many suppliers do not sell Yellow Kratom or attempt to produce it. However, many of the rumors also suggest that Yellow Kratom could provide longer-lasting effects and benefits beyond any other strain. 

Three Common Theories

In addition to the above-mentioned theories of how Yellow Kratom is made, three are considered the most plausible. 

  1. The leaves are harvested well after they have fully matured. Apparently, after the veins turn red, they will turn yellow if the leaves are left on the tree long enough. Thus Yellow Kratom is born. 

  2. All three colors, red, white, and green, are blended. Once the blend is created, the powder is fermented, which creates the yellow hue. 

  3. Unique drying methods are used to create the Yellow Kratom. The red vein leaves are dried for long durations, or white and green leaves are dried outdoors. 

These are only theories. It does not provide concrete evidence of how the Yellow Kratom strains are made. Even though there is not much evidence backing up any of these theories, some suppliers are still trying to achieve Yellow Kratom. If you do end up finding Yellow Kratom, it may be advisable to try another strain instead. The lack of evidence could mean that any available Yellow Kratom products are counterfeit. 

The Claimed Benefits Of Yellow Kratom

Despite there being some controversy over Yellow Kratom, there are some that claim it has therapeutic benefits. These reports are only anecdotal and do not provide a full scientific picture of Yellow Kratom’s potential. Some of these claims go so far as to say Yellow Kratom will:

  • Improve focus and concentration

  • Uplift mood

  • Reduce physical pain

  • Minimize anxiety

In addition to these benefits, many also have said that Yellow Kratom could be the ideal strain for beginners. It supposedly has the same characteristics as white vein variants, which have a more balanced concentration of the two active alkaloids. These qualities make it a good starting point for those looking to learn more about Kratom. 

Sourcing Yellow Kratom

You can spend hours trying to source Yellow Kratom, and you may think you have found a reputable supplier and then be mistaken later down the line when you receive a product that is low quality. As you can garner from the above information, Yellow Kratom is not substantiated by a great deal of evidence. Many of the reports are anecdotal, and there has not been enough research to confirm any of them. If you have questions about Yellow Kratom, you can speak to a reputable supplier about their products and ask them why they do not have it on the shelf. They most likely can give you information on Yellow Kratom and lead you towards another strain that will give you the benefits you are looking for. 

More research on Yellow Kratom will be done with time, and more suppliers may eventually have it in stock. As there are several restrictions on the spread of information and availability of Kratom in the United States, research progresses slowly. If you are interested in seeing Kratom become more widely publicized and would like to see more information online, you should work with a Kratom advocacy group. Many suppliers are partnered with these groups. They work together to spread accurate information, inform research around the world, and keep tabs on the changing regulations from country to country. 

The more customers who take the time to source high-grade products from a reputable, fair trade source, the more likely Kratom’s reputation will improve. Despite products being available for research in the USA, there is still a long way to go toward widespread availability, but every customer who purchases responsibly brings Kratom advocates closer to their goal of having it classified as a medicinal substance with concrete therapeutic potential.