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Should You Attempt Kratom Growing At Home?

Jemi Fischbach

Many Kratom lovers wonder if they can grow the plant at home. While possible, there are specific requirements needed to produce the plant to create an optimal final product. You may be thinking that you want to add it to your garden during the summer or indoors in a pot, but it is important to note that it can be challenging to yield a successful crop. Not only is it challenging, but some other issues can arise when home growing, which prompts the question: should you grow it?

Kratom Origin Story

Kratom, a substance derived from the leaves of the tropical evergreen mitragyna speciosa, has been praised by Southeast Asian locals for centuries for its therapeutic benefits. The indigenous communities in these areas once chewed on the leaves to reap the benefits. Still, over time their refining process became more sophisticated, and westerners learned of its unique properties. While these communities claimed Kratom to have powerful effects, the FDA, unfortunately, does not accept these claims, which is why it is still a heavily regulated product within the USA. The FDA has allowed, in some states, for people to purchase Kratom and products alike for researching.

As these plants are accustomed to hot and moist soil, these conditions must be mimicked if you are to home-grow. As these conditions are often challenging to replicate, many people often fail when attempting or give up because they can’t keep up with the maintenance. You must consider these things if you are thinking about growing Kratom in your home, garage, or backyard.

Things You Must Consider

Just like with any plant, Kratom needs a specific amount of nutrients, water, and light. As it is more demanding than other plants, it’s not easy to foster a successful crop. When growing at home, consider the following:

Light– All mitragyna speciosa trees require a ton of sunlight. If they are deprived of light, they will die fairly quickly. If you live somewhere warm, you can grow your Kratom outdoors, but it must be in direct sunlight. If you choose to do it indoors, you will need to invest in high-quality, growing lamps.

Water– in addition to light, your Kratom plants will need a ton of water. You need to make sure that they receive regular watering, which means you need to be there to do so every day. If a watering period is missed or skipped, it can result in the plant’s death or poor-quality product. If you provide consistent watering, you can expect the best results.

Soil– The soil where Kratom is planted must be very dense in nutrients. You can’t just plant Kratom in old dirt that you have sitting in your backyard. There must be ample nitrogen supplies in the soil, and the pH level must be between 5.5 and 6.5. You need to develop a system that allows you to monitor these levels throughout their growth cycle.

Temperature– While the sun can provide the plants with warmth, the air temperature must always be at a temperature above 60 degrees F. If the temperatures drop below this and sustain the plant will die, and recovery will be near impossible. If you live in an area of the USA where it is cold in winter, you may need to invest in a greenhouse to control the temperature.

Space– As the mitragyna speciosa tree can grow huge, you must give it the room to do so. Start in small seedling trays and expand the grow medium as the plants mature. If you plant Kratom in a tiny pot, you will not see the growth you require to harvest and make usable products. If you don’t have room in your backyard, purchase large indoor-pots or create your own out of wood. You may have to fill your entire garage or use a greenhouse for the optimal growing environment.

Regulation– While the Kratom plants will not be thinking about law, you should. As mentioned, Kratom is only legal in some areas of the USA, and there are strict rules regarding its regulation. These regulations can impact your growing operation, especially if you are not taking the proper precautions. All the Kratom plants must be in a safe place where no children or pets can access them. Any accidents that occur could put you in trouble with the law.

As you can see from the above list, growing Kratom is very challenging. Unless you can consistently monitor the environment, you may have great difficulty harvesting a bountiful crop. As it is much more difficult to start growing from a seed, you may want first to purchase a seedling and then try to grow the plant from there. Many Kratom enthusiasts believe this to be a much more straightforward process.

The Bottom Line

While growing Kratom may seem like a great idea, it can be extremely challenging. It can often cost a ton of money to get it right, but it may take you a few tries before you see a good harvest. So if you have a green thumb and know you will be dedicated, go for it. Otherwise, it is best to purchase high-quality Kratom from a reputable dealer.

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